Thursday, April 1, 2010

Still alive

It's been a very long time since the last posting here, but I swear I haven't forgotten about this blogging thing.. I'm just finishing up with school, and should have lots of time on my hands within a few weeks. I'll try to get some new posts up soon.

Next will probably be "The Music of Loren Rush", some fantastic droney piano compositions from this under-recorded and under-heard composer who did some early work with Terry Riley and Pauline Oliveros.

In the meantime, a link to a post on another blog:

Laurie Spiegel's "The Expanding Universe" is an excellent minimalist computer music LP from the late 70's. I was going to post it up here but then found that it was already on the internets. Anyway, great stuff, get it from Continuo's Weblog here :